Pouring Concrete in Nepal (Tribute to Chris, Luke, and Ron Fokkens)

Well it turns out the NGO I am staying at (www.blinknow.org) is having the roof of there orphanage poured. For those of you that are not familiar with the term “POURED” it means they are going to put come concrete down to make a roof for one of the structures that will house some of the children living here. Now the reason for this random post and video is because my old man, aka. DAD actually knows a thing or two about concrete, well I should hope so since he’s had his fingers in the stuff for the last 35 years. So I thought I would send a little tribute to him and my two older brothers Luke and Chris just so they didn’t think I ever forgot about them or lost my sense of humor…… So enjoy and again thanks for reading and watching!! (sorry for the poor quality…the power doesn’t stay on long enough here to up load a high quality video and the inter net is REALLY slow) http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/video/video.php?v=10150586536450235