I love Halloween. But, what I miss most is trick or treating, and if I could, I would go door knocking, but I can't take the humiliation where my age and maturity would come into question. Then, the disappointment that would follow being denied free candy from people my own age. So, to heal the wounds of Halloween activities I no longer participate in, I now create a photo each year about the things I miss. Last year's creative, we explored adults raiding their kids Halloween candy and what would happen if they were caught. This year, I ask the question, if adults were given a chance to trick or treat, what would that look like, and where would they go? So after some brainstorming over a pizza with an art director friend of mine, we had our answer. I now had two weeks to make it all come together. This included finding talent, sourcing costumes, scouting locations, and photographing from other locales to create a version of "Adult Trick or Treating."
So enjoy this wonderful holiday (if you can call it that), stay safe out there with you and your neighbours kids, and if you could, please be kind to the older kids that come to your door this year.
A huge shoutout and thank-you to the following people who helped make this come together:
Raj, for letting us use his liquor store: Dave’s Liquor Store
Art direction: Mark Rowe
BTS Video: Locke Vincent
Re-touching: Caitlin Boyle
Talent: Mark & Pradeep (Storm Troopers), Nathan (Pirate), Hana (Harley Quinn), Spencer (Banana man), Kayla (Wonder Woman), and Dustin (Dinosaur).
It all starts with a drawing…